IAS: Training Agencies Accreditation

Training Providers and Training Course Developers

To address domestic needs, IAS provides accreditation for organizations that provide professional-development training programs only in the United States and its territories. The accreditation is based on IAS Accreditation Criteria for Training Providers and Training Course Developers (AC371). Getting accredited requires training agencies to demonstrate they are competent, that their trainers are qualified, and that the curricula meet recognized standards. The accreditation process involves an evaluation of the training agencies corporate structure, facilities, staffing, curriculum, program development and administration.

IAS Accreditation for Training Agencies
  • Strengthens the professional and academic reputation of training programs.
  • Provides independent verification that agencies are competent, that their trainers are qualified and that the curricula meet recognized standards.
  • Special relevance to the unique needs of training agencies for the construction crafts, contractors, and construction regulators.
  • The IAS approach aims to ensure that accredited training programs prepare trainees to be efficient and competent to meet the needs of industry, regulators and consumers.

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